Monday, February 16, 2015

Shiva- the incarnation of the unborn and immortal!
Today we celebrate Mahashivratri as a day of Shiva, the Rudra, the Mrintunjay, Mahadeva.
Shiva means the auspicious and we are not ignorant to his Neelkanth form as well.
I offer him my prayer through these words. 

शिव स्तुति

रौद्र रूपं, महा मृतुनजयम
शिवम् तुम्ही सत्य, सुन्दरम
हर नाम का अभिषेक तुम
तुम्ही संसार का सार, अंत तुम
हे नीलकंठ, विष हारनम
तुम महादेव भय नाशनं
आजन्मा, अमर, अगोचरं
विध्वन्श्कारम, सुर्यरूपम
त्रिमूर्ति के सृजन्हारम
अनंत्कारम, निर्विकारं
कैलाशपति, योगी तुम
कला, नृत्य का स्वरुप तुम;
तुम हो प्रखंड सूर्य की किरण
तुमसे है जन्मा हर एक कण
तुम जीत हो, अजेय तुम
त्रिशूल-हारी, पार ब्रह्म तुम
हर शब्द में तुम हो प्रभु;
हर साँस में, विश्वास में
क्या करूँ तेरा बखान मैं;
तुम सत्य, सुन्दर प्राण में
सनातन हो तुम, सदानंद भी
जगत के पति, तुम तेज भी, तुम मंद भी.

© श्रुति सुमन, १७ फरवरी, २०१५, १२:३८ दिवा, मंगलवार, नई दिल्ली

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hope - the silver lining amidst dark clouds

They say if it meant to be yours, it will stay or will come back to you no matter what. Now, when I look at it; everything becomes clear and simpler. True, when we are in a situation, it never happens to seem the way it is, it rather grows complex for us.  Twisted and complex and all we have to do is just curse ourselves and feel pity for being in such a state.

But, unless you know the very basic fact that whatever situation life puts you through, it always prepares you step by step for being capable of what you ought to be. So, rise and let yourself know the purpose of being alive and being in this world.

There will be days when you will feel all shattered and desolate, but sticking to hope will fuel you up and will surely bring you to where you will feel at ease. It’s like balancing and you will realize that everything that happens has a hidden reason within.

So, stay calm and keep pulling yourself up. Chase your dreams until they are your companion because life was never meant to be an easy game!

Hope. Smile. Cheers!

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Have you thought what keeps you breathing? We all plan for our future in such a way that we are here to stay forever but hardly do we realize that we can’t even guarantee about the next very day that is to come. So, what is it that keeps us in the happy illusion of creating the web of dreams? It’s the simple, four lettered word-HOPE!

We get up every day with a hope that it will be a long happy day. That no matter what kept us upset yesterday, this day is going to be different and that this day will surely change for our good!

It’s hope that keeps us pacing forward with all our stamina and energy. It makes us believe in the possibility of the impossible. It keeps us revived and keeps us energetic to chase our dreams.
So, let’s hope to give our best and lead life with such passion that at the end we smile with accomplishment of never giving up and no regrets.



Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bad time takes you to philosophy!

Much to the latest that has rolled upon to my side, I have been awestruck and a bit taken aback; but then life takes its own turn and time to give you what you deserve. Like we always say-"I never imagined that something of such kind would ever happen to me" and then we are actually found facing that scenario. So true, yet so difficult to digest!

I won't say that it was the worst that could have ever happened to me but yes, I would definitely take time to ponder and smile back to the issues that have been giving me the knuckle rapping every now and then.

Problems- they come when we least expect them like a cyclone that never introduces its pre-arrival to anyone. They also are said to be grown faster when nursed. I wonder who got all such remedies to throw at us when we have nothing left but just few tears to shed on our ill-fate.

Nothing goes as thought and planned yet we are taught to make a strategy of things, to follow a routine, or mark a deadline and to adhere by our guidelines and plans. Does anything ever happen according to one's own whims and fancies?

I know this whole nagging and disappointing write up will not make you any more at ease, but would relate to you at some point.