Tick-tock! Every moment as it passes gives me a bit to lose and also takes away a bit of my breath. I am thinking that now I should stop thinking and bothering too much. I mean, seriously whatever has happened to me till now was after all not that bad as I had imagined.
Earlier I used to think that I would rather die than part away from the love of my life. But, I survived and I am not surprised a bit that I did. The sequential incidents happened in such a manner that they left barely a chance to think about the wrong and right or the to-do and not-to do things.
Every year I grew older just by age but had nothing much to feel like being grown up besides a layer of memory being added to the existing one. And I have been blessed with a body and a face that carries the youthful appeal no matter I cross the twenties bar sooner or later. So, just this part makes me appear immature and childish in front of others and may be this can be a major reason why people in my life have never taken me seriously. Be it my parents, family, siblings, friends or colleagues or someone special. Everyone thinks that I am too confused and yet to grow. But, they don't know one thing that all this while I was living the life with them, I was also growing along with them and I too have different stories of my existence to share. I too have so many regrets and so many things to erase from my memory.
I have few dreams to accomplish like they have and I too have expectations from them like they have from me. So, shouldn't it go like both ways hand-in-hand rather than just being me fulfilling everyone's desires and standing up to everyone's expectations? I have had enough and now I am too tired to meet these expectations and follow the norms.
Though some of the events have taught me that life gives you reasons to smile like it makes you feel disillusioned. There are good things happening by your side in the same manner as bad things emerging now and then. But for the time being, I don't want to rely on this hope that whatever is going to happen to me that is making me feel so miserable will be actually beneficial for me. No ways and I am not going to accept this change this time. I am gonna fight till my last breath to achieve and to live life of my choice.
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